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A Great Date

Early in December, I had challenged some friends to pick out an activity out of Northpoint Ministries-Great Date Advent Adventure to do with their husbands and realized I hadn’t lead the way. For shame. So the other night when we were on the hook for picking up a group of kids from driver’s Ed, I asked my husband if we could take a mini date along the way.

In my sights was the pick out an ornament together to remember the year. I morphed that into pick out an ornament for each other under 10$(could have done $5). No consultations (that was for Gary). No complaints(that was for me). Naturally, I didn’t tell Gary ahead of time. He took it in good stride like he so faithfully does.

We ended up in an upscale local garden store and entering I thought, yuck I don’t want to spend a lot of money doing this(it wears out Gary :-)… it could be tough finding something but all the holiday was 40% off. So we marched off separately and here are our treasures.

I picked this out for Gary because it compliments another ornament we have that is one of my all time favorites. And that is what Gary is to me. He supports me in my strengths and more needed he guides me and loves me through my abundant weakness and mess.

You are able to see the happy pair united below. Don’t they do well together?  I thought the colors and designs pretty much nailed it as well. So if you come to visit us make sure to stop at the Christmas tree and see if our residents are fairing well together. I might have to separate them as together they are too dazzling.

Gary surprised me by the speed at which he made his selection. I think it is a very lovely one. His rationale was that each snowflake is unique and yes he must have gotten the pick of the litter. I am just so appreciative that this snowflake doesn’t have sharp points cause after 25 years I am feeling somewhat rounded… but I still enjoy the sparkle!!

Married Friends- Check out the great dates on the link above!!

PS. UPDATE – We still continue this little date in December, 6 years later and have added a few others from the Advent download at the link above. Drop a comment on the blog if you do one of the dates and let me know how it went! The links to the download date suggestions are awesome! Here it is again! NorthPoint Married Life – the great date adventure

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