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Well Begun is half done


Some things in life get started for us! Like the NEW YEAR.

So Happy NEW YEAR! A year full of possibility. How did the New Year begin for you? Did it begin with anticipation or anxiety?

For some of us, The New Year is like a fresh book at the beginning of a school year! But for many already a mere 6 days into this fresh book the spine is cracking and the pages are torn. There are water stains on the pages and the book that at first looked inviting is feeling boring and not worth the time to explore. It’s already not turning out like you were hoping! How can we refresh our perspective?

In 1989, I flew from Florida to Rhode Island to attend a friend’s wedding. Not an unusual distance in this day and age nor an unfamiliar reason to travel this distance.  I didn’t go alone. I traveled with my then 4-month old and his 17-month-old sister. And It was just me…with them… Now, I don’t know about you but do you ever look back at something you’ve done and wonder how in the world did I ever do that?  It seems unbelievable now. Crazy in fact. I flew with a baby in a front pack and one in a backpack with bags in each hand. I can still remember people not just giving me a wide berth as we say in the Navy but jumping out of my way as I walked to my gate at the airport.

Photo by xavier summer on Unsplash

Now in the airplane with those two little babies one on a lap and the other in a seat… let’s pause to do what we’re so good at. Let’s use our imagination muscle to worry. Let’s worry for a second or two. That’s not too hard to do for us. Let’s imagine on that inflight plane with those two little babies that an emergency light comes on. Already the plane is shuddering, dipping and tipping. An attendant stands up and makes the announcement that we’re going through some rough weather but it seems much worse than that…it seems like a crisis. We’re already running through the impossible decision matrix of who to help first, the 17mon old or her baby brother. Where do I turn? Who do I get to first? What a dilemma. What choice do I make first?

But wait! Actually there is an incredibly obvious first course of action and unless you are very familiar with this act of flying it would seem pretty counter-intuitive. Do you know what it is?

Let’s rewind the tape before the engine troubles began. Before the plane began its wild movements and rapid descent, Let”s recall the instructions everyone …. EVERYONE… everyone who gets on a passenger airline receives immediately once the attendants close the door and all are buckled up.

All receive a pre-flight safety briefing that includes not just words but also a demonstration. A visual presentation. A speech. And it goes something like this…

“Now we request your full attention as the flight attendants demonstrate the safety features of this aircraft”.  Notice they have to ask you for your attention. They need to work hard to get you to notice.

If you are traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person.

And like a lot of speeches…

if we hear it so much we ignore it. We hear it so much we don’t. Unless we are paying attention. 

Pay attention. 

I was told to take the air mask first. I was told before I can help another person, I have to ensure I can be a help. Don’t read through too fast here. Don’t be tempted to say I already know this.

I believe that we are here in life to help other people who need our help.

Many of us have lived a life of teaching, parenting, leading, coaching, serving… A very others-centered world. However, let’s frame this others-centered focus as flourishing when we purpose to be open to taking care of what we need to be a help which means getting help to be ready for the influence for which God calls YOU.

Teachers need teaching. Parents need parenting. Coaches need coaching. Mentors need mentors. We who want to influence ourselves, our students, our adult children,  our marriages, our local community, our global community need positive influencers in our life. We need help to grow. Life is NOT a self-study course.  It is being part of a growing and global community. 

As you begin this NEW Year how are you putting on the air mask? How are you growing yourself into being better for the people you love and serve?


  1. Deborah Mackall Deborah Mackall

    Exactly the reminder and the confirmation I needed to hear today.

  2. Jean Andrews Jean Andrews

    Encouraging words for getting going in the morning.

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