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build anyway

My kids grew up playing with unit blocks. I can’t tell you the number of hours we’d build cities and fortresses during those early years.

One day after spending much time using every block in our double set, we sat back to enjoy the incredible structure we had built together. I asked my oldest then 7 and 6 years of age what would happen if their 3-year-old brother came over and knocked off a block?

“We’d just put it back in its place” they replied.

“And what would you do if he came over and knocked the whole thing down?”

“We’d just put away our blocks.”

We talked about how when we hurt one another we can either rebuild right away or we can find ourselves over time feeling like giving up on the whole thing. Certainly, the catastrophic shows up like a hurricane, like a heart attack, or like a deep gaping heartache.  We think there is nothing to rebuild. But daily there are small events that if we don’t pay attention to the daily unraveling may seem like an overnight destruction of our dreams.

Keep repairing and building.

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