My top strength, according to the Gallup Strength Finder is Input. I find so many things interesting and delight in sharing the variety of ideas, books, speakers, images, and music I discover each day. Every 6 – 8 weeks, I stop to share my top discoveries with you. Could you let me know if you have found anything worth sharing? Thanks so much, Mary Resilient by John Eldredge Deep Questions Podcast with Cal Newport Scribd App…
1 CommentCategory: Book Recommends
Waymaker by Ann Voskamp Darknet Diaries 35th Anniversary Playlist How to make a playlist on Spotify Sacred Conversations by Marsha Crockett
Leave a CommentLet’s go fly a kite! For some of you, the invitation to fly a kite conjures up long ago memories. It may be true that you would need a GRAND reason to fly a kite. I had two GRAND reasons recently to fly a kite when I saw a kite festival announcement on my drive to my nearby gym. I thought, “That sounds like fun.” I had been thinking about and sensing a call to…
1 CommentDuring February, I was on sabbatical from the work I do with the Institute for Cultural Communicators. Last year, I dipped my toe into a silent retreat practice with a 24-hour retreat and wanted to do an extended version this year. I traveled to a retreat center in Massachusetts to experience a five-day silent retreat. In my church and ministry circles, the idea of a silent retreat seems little discussed. I remember one dear friend…
6 CommentsI invite you to take the time to enter into an experience – a personal Olympic story. Watch and imagine that it’s your sister in lane three. People lean overhearing your discussion and join you in cheering when they realize your sister is stepping up to the blocks. Imagine the feeling of being family in the stands. Feel the anticipation and hope build as you put yourself in the colossal crowd buzzing with excitement all gathered…
Leave a CommentAre you already starting to breathe heavily and sigh at the approach of Christmas decorations invading store aisles? Has the looming pronouncements of supply chain shortages have you worried about getting your Christmas gift shopping done without delay? Personally, my own resistance to getting sucked into the rush and overwhelm is to honor Advent. Practice a pause to honor the season of making room in my heart for Christmas without adding any more pressure to…
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