How We Read the Bible Conversation Starters Quick to Listen – Christianity Today John Rutter- For the beauty of the Earth.
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While we think big we get there with small steps. A kindness, a grace-filled word, practical deeds. Steps that are quick and focused on the next step. Sometimes there may be a leap involved. Take action and don’t give up thinking big.
Leave a CommentPart 1. Being honest starts with telling myself the truth about myself and I am often the most resistant person to hear that truth. Part 2. I can’t be honest with myself all by myself either.
Leave a CommentIt seems a no-brainer most of the time to reach out and give a helping hand but if you have lived long enough and done good long enough, you have experienced: the jolting bite from the one that you have fed, the silent brooding entitlement of the teen who takes for granted the giving, the incessant demands for more concessions from the one you have repeatedly adapted to. Don’t withdraw from everyone just because of…
2 CommentsIn my garden I want Miracle-Gro to give me a bloom soon, sooner, or soonest! When my stack of books gets to an overwhelming height, I look for CliffNotes or search online for someone else’s notes for my pile of unread. My cookbook titles are focused on 5 ingredients or less or under 30 minutes prep time. I know that one size(one answer, one book, you name it) does not fit all. Then why do I…
Leave a Comment81044 9 1931 159 58 21409 Xxxx-xxxx.7890 These numbers all have meaning for me in one way or another. Also, my smart-watch says: I’m on a 14-day move streak, I’ve stood for 3 hours, and my current heartbeat is 65 beats per minute. Numbers give meaning to our Present every day life, and help us remember our past. I can remember the number of days in the hospital. I can remember the number the number…
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