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Category: Family

Come to your Senses

One of the easiest things I know to do to celebrate anything is to consider how to engage as many of my senses as I can. It’s why I ask my children what they want for their birthday dinner. Often it is a meal that in taste and aroma recall something happy and familiar to them. I may not get the gift right but the meal is always a win. This Christmas season I hope…

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How does counting help?

What does it take to get to happy? To content? To enough? Sitting on Sunday reviewing the Thanksgiving break I had this uneasy sense that I had wasted the four day weekend. I had made big plans for the work I’d get done. The books I would read. The family projects accomplished by the willing volunteers at home. You see I wake up with thoughts flooding my mind of action items. I only recently discovered…


Do-Over Stories

At a wedding reception, Gary and I were sitting with several couples who had completed their journeys with their children’s home education. As we were talking at the table, one of the women said, “I loved every bit of homeschooling. I’d do it all over again and this time I’d know what I’m doing!” I had to tilt my head and reply, “I think the whole point of the journey is the not knowing, not…

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Monday Meaderings

Happy Monday! Not to worry I will be writing about do-over stories but my books have been piling up and so I provide my monthly meanderings that focus on prayer and joy. Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle 4 Habits of Joy-Filled Marriage How to Pray: a guide for ordinary people by Pete Grieg Lectio 365 Renovare Book Club


The stories we tell ourselves

Recently, my youngest experienced a locked knee. Of course, the knee locked on Friday afternoon at the start of a long weekend. Over the three day weekend, we reached out to every resource we had to help resolve the locked knee. We eventually took her to the Emergency Room, with the frustration of knowing the ER wouldn’t be able to resolve anything but feel we’d be negligent if we didn’t go. Out of the hours…


River Rules

When my son returned from a deployment that was at the same time risky and monotonous he was looking for adventure. He has a ready-made group in his family so he extended an invite to join him on a white-water rafting trip. In the latter part of the summer weeks away, all of this sounded fun. In the dipping 50F temperatures of an early fall, this felt like risky business. The week before the trip…