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Category: Family

Take a moment

In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich. Dietrich Bonhoeffer During this time of year, it’s hard not to compare lives or FB posts to who has it going on better than I do. It would be easy for any of us to go to that soul-crushing place of comparison rather than rest in reflection. I…


Gratitude Every Day

It’s an American season of giving thanks! I know that it doesn’t seem to be true if you only listen to the cultural beat or the daily news. You may argue Mary it is only one day, not a month or more. I would remind us all that that one day we call Thanksgiving came out of the discipline and practice of a people who modeled daily thanks in the midst of life we can…


You asked

When I was young, I had the answers but nobody asked me questions. Now that I am old. people ask me questions but I don’t have answers.  Elizabeth Elliot I loved listening to Gateway to Joy when I was a younger mom. And although it stopped airing in 2001 you can still listen to the wisdom of Elizabeth Elliot using the link provided. Her words and this particular quote so resonates with my life. When…

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Call home!

It was 1982. I was in the Navy and living in the Philippines. I still remember the call. With a twelve-hour time difference between Manila and Washington DC, it was a surprise to hear my father’s voice on the other end of the phone line. Yes, phones used to have cords that connected them to the wall. Dad knowing my love for current events and politics started the conversation. “Mary, good politicians know to keep…


Habits of Connection

Do you want to know the best habits of any relationship? This is so simple that it is easy to miss. Really easy to miss. That’s how it is in life. When something is so simple we think anyone and everyone can do this. But they don’t. We think we do this but we don’t. We don’t notice when we don’t do it but funny enough we do notice when others don’t do it. With…

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Give away

It’s what you give away that goes beyond you. Andy Stanley Giving away is often associated with casting off. Everyone at least in this part of the world has gone through an organizational purge.  You know the wisdom. When working to declutter divide your possessions into three categories. Keep. These are possessions you want to hold on to. You still use, wear or value.  Trash. These are items that are broken, dirty or worn. Give…