In 1989, I flew from Florida to Rhode Island to attend a friend’s wedding. Not an unusual distance in this day and age nor an unfamiliar reason to travel this distance. I didn’t go alone. I traveled with my then 4-month-old and his 17-month-old sister. And It was just me…with them… Now, I don’t know about you but do you ever look back and think to yourself how in the world did I ever do…
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Sometimes I chance upon my long-ago efforts at writing in the midst of the early days of raising my family. I have always made attempts to make sure I didn’t forget the things my children said and the many small joys in my days. This story was written in November of 1989 for Welcome Home magazine a monthly publication. I subscribed to this very homey newsletter for inspiration and encouragement in my stay at home…
1 CommentNoah’s Ark has been a traditional part of Christmas decoration and gift giving. I not only collected Noah’s Ark Christmas ornaments but also have collected as many varieties and renditions of Noah’s story in book form that I could find: from faithful biblical rendering to environmental cautionary tale. Historically a Noah’s Ark set was a way for parents to teach the biblical account while engaging a child’s interest. What child couldn’t spend time imagining what…
Leave a CommentMy strength is collecting ideas and combing through information to find themes and patterns to connect to each other. That’s what I love about Christmas. The music, the decorations everything that hits the senses is speaking of and driving to this powerful idea – Jesus left his position and power above to enter into our dark and lost human experience to save us from our sins. Themes can be discovered by noticing what’s prominent or…
Leave a CommentRecently, I read an article concerning medical education and about how the next generation has so little experience with craft skills that they’re not able to perform practical tasks such as cutting or sewing in surgical applications. We’re losing a generation with the dexterity to work with thei hands. My mother always knitted and I remember getting her handmade sweaters at Christmas during the late ’70s. Later, she quit knitting and turned her attention to…
2 CommentsEarly in December, I had challenged some friends to pick out an activity out of Northpoint Ministries-Great Date Advent Adventure to do with their husbands and realized I hadn’t lead the way. For shame. So the other night when we were on the hook for picking up a group of kids from driver’s Ed, I asked my husband if we could take a mini date along the way. In my sights was the pick out an…
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