Over the years of raising nine children and Navy moves there has been a need to anticipate what experience I want to create for my family at Christmas time. How do I organize Christmas? Check out the video below Christmas Gift Template
1 CommentCategory: Family
What you know first you know best. For me, at this time of year, what I knew first and best was a live Christmas tree. Along with that tree, I remember the vinyl records from the Reader’s Digest Collection of Christmas music playing, “I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus” and “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth all while we decorated that tree. My first Christmas where I purchased my own tree…
1 CommentThe morning started like another with getting children ready to start their day so it was so unusual for my mom to call me. “Mary turn on the TV.” My mom knew I was just starting my school day and that we normally didn’t have a TV on. There I was faced with the images of the World Trade Center Building in flames. As I sat stunned watching, my phone rang again. This time it…
3 CommentsHow We Read the Bible Conversation Starters Quick to Listen – Christianity Today John Rutter- For the beauty of the Earth.
Leave a CommentWe’ve been on a road trip to Tennessee for a Family Commissioning Weekend for the amazing ICC Fall Intern Team so I have been missing some posting. But I have news! Do you ever spend more time looking for a movie online rather than actually watching it? Don’t you hate that? Look no more! If you are looking for a lovely date night movie on NETFLIX check out The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society I’ve linked…
Leave a CommentI began to notice back pain a few years ago where previously there had been none. Chiropractic visits helped tremendously but it finally resolved when I figured out the obvious. I was sitting too many hours hunched over my computer. Way too many! Of course, I did my research! Did you know that when muscles don’t contract, they require less fuel and the surplus in the form of blood sugar, accumulates in the bloodstream contributing…