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Category: Family

In Case of Emergency

I thought I was smart and safety conscious years ago when Gary came home and explained that we should put our numbers in each other’s cell phones as ICE – an acronym for In Case of Emergency. He explained that if I am on the side of the road, unavailable for comment, someone could open my phone, look for my ICE number and know who to call. I am sure we thought this all out…

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Frank Features – music

Originally posted in June 2020 In honor of Father’s Day and my dear Dad, Frank Andrews whose 101st bday is June 30th, I share a series on Frank features. Music Memories My dad believed in and loved the power of music. I remember my dad usually singing to one of his children. I often recall hearing him break out in this silly song together. The ukelele was Dad’s instrument. He would often break out his…


What Gets on Your List?

My seven-year-old granddaughter came over the other day. She ran into the house and threw her arms around me with a big hello. Grasped in her hand was a torn half piece of paper. Grandmary, here is my to-do list! There is some sound wisdom in this list. It is short. The list was limited only to what Meriel wanted to do during the hours she was at Grandmary’s house! It is clear. My granddaughter…


A Story of Service

On our recent family vacation to Williamsburg, we decide to splurge and reserve a table at the famous Kings Arms Tavern. This authentic18th-century tavern came equipped with a waiter with personality. Imagine. His name was George. George was vivacious and talkative. He was selling his wares and pitching his provisions. For our first course, we ordered the peanut soupe. George helpfully guided us that one would suffice the table for the experience. When my son…

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What Does Crazy Look Like?

You are crazy, or so I have been told.  People speak outright to me I’m crazy, or I hear them express my actions in reference to themselves. I could never do that, or I don’t know how you do that. My crazy has looked like this: having a large family traveling exorbitant distances to visit a group of people for a short time riding a long-distance Context matters, and the most significant factor in our…


Making Adjustments

Back in high school, I spent many hours enjoying handwork. I loved sewing and cross-stitching. Much of my needlework was of bible verses, proverbs, and maxims. I found this one cross-stitch design that had this hilarious saying. I made it and gave it to my mom. It was a joke and an antithesis to her way of moving in the world. My sweet mother hung that framed piece over the doorway in the kitchen. Whenever…