Every Saturday, we were out in the yard. My father would make his work list on a yellow legal pad, listing the chores and the work party leaders—the elder siblings included myself and my next-in-line brother Tom. Yard work entailed sweeping porches, picking up trash along our road, mowing lawns, pulling the grass out of the sidewalk cracks, and edging. But the one job that we all dreaded was weeding our rose beds, and weeding…
3 CommentsCategory: Monday Meanderings
I did it again—I planted seeds. And as much as it seems like an invitation to failure, I put those seeds in the ground. Starting is easy, but seeing it through is the real challenge. Why do I keep planting when I know I will need to focus on this effort for the next few months? The blossoms’ beauty outweighs the daily gardening maintenance, so I persist. When the light lengthens and the day warms,…
Leave a CommentMany of you are aware that I’ve been pursuing my education. I’m nearing the completion of a certificate in spiritual direction this month. The question I’ve encountered most frequently is, “What exactly is spiritual direction?” It’s a genuine question, understandable given the somewhat authoritative sound of the term “director.” As I began offering spiritual direction, I noticed a common misconception among those pursuing spiritual direction. They often expected answers from me, whereas my role primarily…
2 CommentsWhen I was a young mom with several children, I remember earnestly going to an older mom who looked like she had her act together and asking how she did it. I recall getting a vague blank look in return with the unsatisfactory reply, ” I don’t know. You don’t know! How can you not know? I was being denied. Or at least I thought so at the time. This week, Gary and I will…
2 CommentsBack in December, I attended a silent retreat. While this was not my first silent retreat, it was my husband Gary’s. I convinced him to join me. I heard much scoffing about going on a silent retreat as a couple, but that did not deter me. I was eager for Gary to experience what I had experienced during my silent retreats. All my prior silent retreats had been held through Catholic centers, and this one…
2 CommentsNeed a refresher or some help on rest, check out this blog post Being Here: Prayers for Curiosity, Justice, and Love by Padraig O Tuama The Word in the Wilderness by Malcomb Guite Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons by Jan Richardson
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