A beginning has its rewards. Most beginners experience the rewards of seeing changes happen before their eyes when learning something new. The advanced beginner needs to recommit to learning and unlearn when the rate of change slows and the skill development grinds to a much slower pace. I have been bike riding since March 2021, when the challenge of a reunion ride sparked me to resurrect bike riding. I didn’t think much about what it…
4 CommentsCategory: personal growth
I thought I was smart and safety conscious years ago when Gary came home and explained that we should put our numbers in each other’s cell phones as ICE – an acronym for In Case of Emergency. He explained that if I am on the side of the road, unavailable for comment, someone could open my phone, look for my ICE number and know who to call. I am sure we thought this all out…
Leave a CommentMy top strength, according to the Gallup Strength Finder is Input. I find so many things interesting and delight in sharing the variety of ideas, books, speakers, images, and music I discover each day. Every 6 – 8 weeks, I stop to share my top discoveries with you. Could you let me know if you have found anything worth sharing? Thanks so much, Mary Resilient by John Eldredge Deep Questions Podcast with Cal Newport Scribd App…
1 CommentI enjoy a garden view from my corner chair in my bedroom. I love to sit inside and view the garden unfold daily during the spring and summer. There are a few favorite flowers that I start by seed because they aren’t found at a nursery or they are costly in plant form. My favorite seeds to start are sunflowers and purple and green zinnias. These seeds are nearly impervious to the vagaries of planting.…
Leave a CommentRecently I had the opportunity to work with students in Southeast Asia. They traveled to their area to assemble for a five-day PREP experience. PREP stands for pursuing responsibility with excellence purposefully. My assignment was to share my thoughts on pursuing; I went to my go-to resources for understanding a word; the thesaurus, dictionary, and the Bible. As I was studying pursuing and the things we pursue or even what it means to be pursued,…
Leave a CommentOriginally posted in June 2020 In honor of Father’s Day and my dear Dad, Frank Andrews whose 101st bday is June 30th, I share a series on Frank features. Music Memories My dad believed in and loved the power of music. I remember my dad usually singing to one of his children. I often recall hearing him break out in this silly song together. The ukelele was Dad’s instrument. He would often break out his…