Did you get a chance this last week to think about how your outlook on life might change if you started responding to offers or opportunities with a “yes and…” answer, rather than a “no because…,” or the dressed up version of No — “Yes, but.” I didn’t realize how transformational an improv night would be for my personal goals until I watched the premier improv group Second City to DC perform for a school…
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Black Friday is becoming more about the deals you can find on your computer and less about getting out of the house into a physical store. I know some folks have the tradition of heading out early in the morning on Black Friday. I couldn’t fathom that tradition, not because I detest getting up early, which I don’t, but a sale doesn’t cause me to leave my house that early! Black Friday got me…
Leave a CommentLessons from a 103-Year-Old Continued Recently I listened to Jim Downing, a 103-year-old survivor of Pearl Harbor, share how he found joy and fulfillment and how that continued even when physical ailments of older age became prevalent. While others his age were giving in, he chose to press into his purpose in life. How do YOU find the greatest joy that overcomes your greatest difficulties? Jim shared with us his keys for unlocking joy and…
Leave a CommentIf you could have any skill in the world, what would you pick and why? That question became the topic of conversation at Chick fil A as our family played the table topics game from a kids meal when this card was pulled: The question stopped me in my tracks because ironically, we had just attended an event where Mr. Jim Downing, 103-year old survivor of Pearl Harbor, shared his experiences communicating life’s ideas. I…
Leave a CommentGoals, Plans, Objectives, To-do Lists these individually and even collectively are the sure sign of achievers. And already by this time of the year most of ours have already hit a snag. It has always been my bent to do and not to think a long time about it. If a thought enters my mind it immediately activates the feet or the hands. Perhaps it is my fear that without the action the likelihood is…
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