I didn’t recognize the number. My habit after picking up too many robocalls is to not pick up any calls if the number doesn’t have a name. This number left a voice message. What a surprise! I hadn’t talked to Judith since she had gotten married about five years ago. I returned the call later that night when I thought perhaps her young children had already been put to bed.
“Hey, Mary! I was sweeping my kitchen floor and thought of you… “
I knew immediately all that that meant for her and for me. When Judith was in her late teens and early twenties she along with a group of young adults would stay at my home for a few days while they were running children programming at a nearby event. I would drive the group in my passenger van and have meals and ice cream ready in the evenings when they returned home. Always there was a team-directed effort to clean up which included the kitchen floor. The “strange” thing was unless this group was at my house the kitchen floor didn’t get the same attention so over the years the kitchen floor was the first thing Judith would do when she arrived at my house.
Judith continued, “You know I didn’t think I judged you for that kitchen floor but now that I have children and most nights can only pick up the chunks of food directly under the table I get your kitchen floor. I think of that every time I even get to sweeping the floor.”
I had to laugh. I never felt judged but it did point to one thing: changing perception.
Have you ever had those experiences where all of a sudden you “get it.” You see the other person’s situation in a new to you light? A new light because all of a sudden it’s your light and you are walking in a similar situation?
We continued to talk and encourage one another. Judith reaching out to someone a little further ahead on the journey knowing that we now shared crunchy kitchen floor status. Finding encouragement that if Mary did this life thing then perhaps I can too.
Yes, you can, Judith. Yes, you can too. And if I get a chance to come to your house I’ll just go straight to the broom closet, pick up the broom and sweep your kitchen floor. No judgment either just understanding.
This month I am resuming my daily short posts with a focus on growing yourself which often starts with a changing perception.
Do you have any struggles finding time to focus on growing yourself? Any areas you’d like help with? I’d love to hear your changing perceptions as you grow into your life.
I love this! I’m excited to read your regular posts…. always fun, encouraging and heart warming. Thank you, Mary!