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Collecting Christmas

I believe in working with your strengths. Knowing my strengths has meant I can let go of what other people do well and focus on using my own strength in the service to others. My top strength is input. The reason I mention it is because Christmas is deeply influenced by my need to collect and archive. I am so curious and want to learn as much as I can in general and specifically with the Christmas season. Some of this comes in the form of accumulating information, ideas, artifacts, and even relationships. And I love to share my discoveries. It makes sense looking back to see why my collection appeals to me with my input strength. Why not look through Christmas with your strengths in mind. Want to learn more about your strengths?  Check out this website! See how I used my input there?

On to Christmas! Christmas is an amazing season of inputs. Just consider the framework of our five senses.

We have the: sights of Christmas – My favorite sight is the Christmas tree. 

We have the sounds of Christmas. My favorite sound is singing traditional Christmas music which involves all the other senses as well.

We have the smells of Christmas – I love the smell of fresh pine. 

We have the tastes of Christmas –  My favorite taste is my mother’s cherry dessert!

We the touch of Christmas – My favorite touch is my hand on a needle creating something for someone. 

I have collected based on these senses and look forward to diving into some details on my collections but in the meantime, what is your favorite sense of Christmas and what specifically in that sense shouts, “It’s Christmas!” to you?


  1. Yvonne Hagood Yvonne Hagood

    This year, my favorite sense of Christmas would be the rustic manger that sits under the tree. Among all the other decorations, it clearly shouts “Emmanuel” – God with us. Just a quick glance brings back the focus and helps me to worship more instead of distracting me.


      We have manger scenes in many places in our home. Another collection of mine. Collecting from our many duty stations. Keep an eye peeled for that post.

  2. Deborah Mackall Deborah Mackall

    The cold must mean snow. I grew up in Wyoming where there was no shortage of the white stuff. And I somehow have really imprinted the idea that the magical stuff means Christmas- even when it’s not. I think that’s why I love snow so much- there’s no other logical reason it makes me so happy. [and I don’t get to experience it often enough where I live now]

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