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Experience Glory

I invite you to take the time to enter into an experience – a personal Olympic story.

Watch and imagine that it’s your sister in lane three. People lean overhearing your discussion and join you in cheering when they realize your sister is stepping up to the blocks. Imagine the feeling of being family in the stands. Feel the anticipation and hope build as you put yourself in the colossal crowd buzzing with excitement all gathered to see this event.

Enter in.

1:08 – 6:34- most impactful

Going for Olympic glory

Almost forty years later, I can still remember sitting in that crowd. Hearing the roar of shouts and screams, feeling the presence of thousands of people forgetting whatever was outside, all focused on the pool below them. It was glorious and, of course, made all the sweeter with my sister, Theresa Andrews’ gold medal swim.

What does an experience like this have to do with the glory of God?

The glory of God is the active presence of God. This past week I have been in both Massachusets and Virginia, sitting on the edge of the ocean seeing the waves, wind, and rocks surge and roar. I was contemplating and experiencing a small seat in the upper section of His majestic, just, and compassionate action in the world. My attention was not on past problems or future threats, not on the complications of relationships but responding to what I saw with shouts of gratitude to God.

We can experience this glory sometimes when we attend sporting events or concerts. While you are in that crowd, with rapt attention on lane three or some moving artistic performance – all the people with you, around you, with all their worries about marriages or mortgages, sex, and sin, God and gold, are all of one mind, all wrapped up. They become admirers, praise-shouters. That’s something of a parable of what the goal of a thankful life is: with one voice, people cheering and applauding God.

Join me leaving behind troubles and with singing entering the arena of praise-givers!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Where are you finding your opportunities today to be a praise-giver?

Credit to Space with God by Don Postema pages 180-181 for reflections on God’s glory and a sports analogy.

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