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Happy Fall y’all

Tuesday, September 22 marks the first day of fall in the northern hemisphere. The signs are evident where I live if I take the time to notice and take it in. Temperatures dropping, light fading, leaves turning. My Meanderings today are focused on finding the joy in this change and this season, no matter where this finds you. I have been on a small joy quest and pray if you move slowly through some of the books and images I have been enjoying you would find some sparks of joy as well. Remember links to my meanderings are at the bottom of this post.

The other Half of Church – book

Autumn Spotify playlist by the Nester

IG Account for The Nester

One Minute Pause App


  1. Susan Milillo Susan Milillo

    Did I get to send you this recommendation already?

    Try The Nesters sister’s podcast (and IG) Emily P Freeman !!!


      Thanks, Susan, I have seen some of Emily Freeman but will go back and check these out.

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