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Hello? Hello? Anybody there?

Remember the TV show “cheers”?
Where everybody knows your name? Here are some lyrics to the theme song to consider:

Be glad there’s one place in the world
Where everybody knows your name,
And they’re always glad you came;
You want to go where people know,
People are all the same;
You want to go where everybody knows your name.

Although this post refers to the work I do in ICC, mentoring Christians to lead, it is meaningful in any organization.

Recently, I received an email from an ICC Area Leader talking about the refreshing voice conversation she had with a local leader of our chapters. It went along the lines of…

I connected with CHAPTERSPONSOR today. She so much appreciated how well she has been mentored and loved by her AREALEADER. Way to go AREALEADER! We had a nice conversation celebrating all that CHAPTERX accomplished this year. Over 200 platforms and many students using their communication skills in other arenas. I encouraged CHAPTERSPONSOR to come on May 30th and celebrate. She has many great stories to share and is so enthusiastic about ICC. We also talked how she can still encourage her chapter with the transition and busy time in her life.

In this email and check it off world, I was grateful for someone who would pick up the phone and meaningfully connect to get to know someone better.

That’s all our sponsors(or anyone for that matter) want, is to be known. To know someone cares about them and the work they do. And that we think they and what they do matter. Really matter.

Here’s the thing about vision. First, it’s personal; because it happened for us, we want it to happen for others. Connecting our story to their story is pretty important. It is the only way vision transfers…

We are continually in the work of connecting people personally(through knowing intimately their story) to the BIG Story of mentoring Christians to lead.

This takes more than email. This takes personal time and effort. This takes a call or a meeting, a visit, or a time at an event to connect personally and includes not just an ICC topic. (although what we deal with is integrated into our faith and life on every level). Leaders are making these vital life-giving connections of people to people and people to mission. Leaders are building community!

Recently a student (16 year old) in my area submitted a project, a slide show(movie) of the combined photo montage of 5 Guild Inductees being prepared for Area Guild Induction on 30 May. I was overwhelmed on several levels. Just naming a few…..

  1. A student gathered from other students their pictures. When she came short of resources she found other ways to get pictures.
  2. She assembled them and shared for review well in advance of a deadline.
  3. She immediately replied to the feedback and began to revise the project, after consulting with another student leader.
  4. Five students in our AREA have done a very important work and have touched so many people’s lives! WOW

When the BIG Story connects with your story its a game changing sort of day! Want to pass along a vision?
Learn to connect with people and connect the mission to their story.

“Community without mission is cancer” – Tim Keller

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