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How did it get so late so soon?

When it comes to using time to accomplish something worthy, I’ve often thought in terms of the year, the quarter, the week, or even the day. But I have learned that it’s in the smallest unit of time where opportunity for hope and growth lives. The power of anything is in its smallest unit. Share on XThis month marks Gary’s and my 31st wedding anniversary. I can hardly believe it—it feels too soon to be this far along! I’m grateful for the miracle of these years, but I’m learning more and more that it’s the smallest moments of shared presence that has made it possible.

I struggle to learn “presence.” My disposition is to multitask, split my attention, and flit.

I remember reading Brother Lawrence’s book, Practicing the Presence of God, decades ago, but still it’s taken a good chunk of my life to practice presence. It’s actually true: there really is no time like the present. It’s all you have, and if you aren’t all there, you’re in no place to love, to learn, to live, either with yourself or with anyone else.  

Giving the gift of your presence is the marriage-gift that makes a 31st Anniversary possible.

In order to be present, I put my phone down, make direct eye contact, and take a deep breath to lay aside all intruding thoughts to give my full attention to him.

How about you? How do you find presence?

PS. I’m trying something new. This month, to celebrate 31 years, I will be sending short thoughts from 31 years of marriage during the 31 days of March.

If you would like to check out Brother Lawrence’s book I have it linked below. Just so you know, this is an affiliate link.


  1. Lorri Wickenhauser Lorri Wickenhauser

    Thanks. Mary. Good reminder. I remember reading that book decades ago! Time for a re-read.

  2. Brother Lawrence has much to say to us in the 21st century!

    I like your idea of 31 days to express each year of your marriage. We only have 4 grandchildren, but the first year a child was born, I wrote a letter a week. Now they receive a birthday letter with recap of their year and a verse I pray for them that year.


      Presence. Why does it take so long to end striving and rest? What a gift to your grandchildren!!

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