Happy September! Do you feel the changes in the air? In my neck of the woods, cooler temperatures and a change to long sleeves and sweaters. I don’t always enjoy change, but I know it means growth. Tools help us grow. If you aren’t familiar with the Clifton Strengthfinder, I have used this online talent assessment tool with teams. I have found it helpful to recognize and maximize my strengths.
My top strength is input. This means I am inquisitive. I love to collect information—words, facts, books, and quotations. I collect whatever I collect because it interests me, and I can’t help but share it with you. There are so many wonderful and interesting things and ideas out there. Thanks for joining me on my meanderings. Let me know if you find anything I share helpful.
Managing Leadership Anxiety: Yours and Theirs by Steve Cuss
Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership – podcast by Ruth Haley Barton