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Model UN

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedyspeech prepared for delivery in Dallas the day of his assassination, November 22, 1963

What do terrorism and ICC Students have in common? Okay before parents start answering that let me say Model UN!! On 11/11/11 over 40 students from seven chapters in Maryland gathered to participate in a version of Model UN that was packed with twists, turns and fun! With country placards waving, informal consideration meetings, resolutions flying it was a fabulous event for ICC Chapter Members. What does an adult like me enjoy about it? Knowing that student leaders created the scenarios, produced a youtube video to promote excitement and just planned and organized the whole enchilada!! Let’s all jump up and down here! Knowing how to speak is one thing but taking the opportunity to lead and teach others with your communication is another. This is what gets me seriously excited about the Institute for Cultural Communicators.  ICC Chapter SALT Student Leaders who led this event took into consideration the experience of students and paired older with younger and newbies with semi-pros to ensure all were encouraged to take the next step in their learning and leading. Even at the event the eye was towards making sure each student had an opportunity to speak. Sneak peek- Come to IGNITE to enjoy more Model UN fun!!  Lots of learning, lots of leading- lots of fun- all indispensable to the ICC way!!

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