Happy Monday! Not to worry I will be writing about do-over stories but my books have been piling up and so I provide my monthly meanderings that focus on prayer and joy.
Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle
4 Habits of Joy-Filled Marriage
I love considering the miracles of God's creation and it seems the more elemental the more profound...
Happy Monday! Not to worry I will be writing about do-over stories but my books have been piling up and so I provide my monthly meanderings that focus on prayer and joy.
Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle
4 Habits of Joy-Filled Marriage
I find Mary Oliver’s poetry about nature so spiritual and prayer full.
Thanks, Jean, I will be sure to check her out!!
I really appreciated all your recommendations! The Lectio app has been a huge blessing to me. It’s just what I need right now. I love hearing about what you are learning about, reading, etc.