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Monday Meandering – July

My top strength, according to the Gallup Strength Finder is Input. I find so many things interesting and delight in sharing the variety of ideas, books, speakers, images, and music I discover each day. Every 6 – 8 weeks, I stop to share my top discoveries with you. Could you let me know if you have found anything worth sharing? Thanks so much, Mary

Resilient by John Eldredge

Deep Questions Podcast with Cal Newport

Scribd App

Tabletop Fountain

The Practice of Spiritual Direction – Barry & Connolly

One Comment

  1. yhagood yhagood

    I always look forward to your recommendations and practical tips. Definitely going to check out the podcast. A book I just started is “But You’re Still So Young” by Kayleen Schaefer. Sitting here in my special space facing the mountains – being grateful for you and the way you intentionally help others continue to grow!

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