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A Grain of Salt Posts

Building a Life of Joy and Purpose in 4 Steps — Part One

Lessons from a 103-Year-Old Continued Recently I listened to Jim Downing, a 103-year-old survivor of Pearl Harbor, share how he found joy and fulfillment and how that continued even when physical ailments of older age became prevalent. While others his age were giving in, he chose to press into his purpose in life. How do YOU find the greatest joy that overcomes your greatest difficulties? Jim shared with us his keys for unlocking joy and…

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Looking to Develop a Skill You Can Still Possess at 103?

If you could have any skill in the world, what would you pick and why? That question became the topic of conversation at Chick fil A as our family played the table topics game from a kids meal when this card was pulled: The question stopped me in my tracks because ironically, we had just attended an event where Mr. Jim Downing, 103-year old survivor of Pearl Harbor, shared his experiences communicating life’s ideas. I…

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The son you never met

Meet Raphe. He is my son. Raphe never had a birthday. He died in the womb. He was delivered close to 20 weeks gestation on 25 September 1997. Raphe Day is how I always think of this day now. On his 20th anniversary, I’d like you to know a little about him. He was my 6th son and the 7th child in our lineup. We found out we were pregnant in the beautiful month of…



I wonder if God doesn’t play I Spy with us. Remember the game, I SPY? I spy with my little eye… and someone gives a clue of something they’re looking at . The game is to see if, with the clue, you can figure out what they see. The goal, of course, is to stump you. To help us overcome our human limitations of time and space, I wonder if He doesn’t provide us with…

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Hold that elevator! An Elder Edventure

The doors opened, we got in, and turned around. Suddenly we heard a very loud and authoritative, “Hold that elevator!” As the doors hung open, a white-haired, wheel-chaired, older gentleman scooted towards us astonishingly quickly and efficiently with his feet. Zip! and he was in the elevator.      It had been a late-night visit with my mother at her assisted-living community. Mom had a broken hip, and we were checking in on the newly hired…

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