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Questions not answers

“When I was young, I had all the answers but no one asked me any questions. Now I am old and I am asked questions but I do not know the answer.”  Attributed to Elizabeth Elliott

I was always quick with an answer and still am. I am also quick with a question but slow to listen. I am trying to reverse my impulse and move more to be slow to answer and quick to listen. I do love questions. I just need to slow down for the answer.

Here are two of my favorite questions that I ask myself and when invited I will ask others.

How is that working for you? What do you want?

I have recorded two favorite questions from my at the time 3-year-old granddaughter.

Do you like kisses?  Are you happy?

I wish I had thought of those questions!

These days there are many questions needing to be asked by us individually and collectively.

What does love require of me? What does justice for all look like?

Every question reflects our vision coming through a pair of glasses. Often our questions are determined by what we see through those lenses. I am learning to pause and think of the glasses I am wearing. I seek to ask a question that doesn’t stop conversation but one that invites a pursuit to grow and learn. May we all trust that if we stay in the question together long enough we may also find answers together too.

Take some time to ask the questions above and listen.

What are some of your favorite questions?


  1. Deborah a Mackall Deborah a Mackall

    I too am learning to ask questions and slow down to listen. One of the kids reminded me of just such a quote- “be quick to listen and slow to speak. ”

    My 12 yr regularly asks me if I am happy! wow. I do need to work on being the answer. not just giving it.

  2. Yvonne Yvonne

    I find myself asking “what do you mean by that?” to help me know where they are starting from. I also like to ask “What are you going to do about that?”
    You’ve taught the value of asking questions to draw out what’s inside:)

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