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One Comment

  1. Jean Andrews Jean Andrews

    Those SATURDAY morning chores opened up gardening to me. My friends often marveled at names of flowers I could name and when they arrive at Ferry Farms. Forsythias first, with their long, strings of yellow. Then came daffodils, “tossing their heads in sprightly dance” as a poet has said (seen on walks around neighborhood with red and white tulips) then along the road pink dogwoods standing like soldiers guarding the house from cars whizzing by, then the purple lilacs, peonies ( never could stop ants on these blossoms), roses (all colors, red, pink, white, yellow), rambling and climbing red petite roses on lattice up side of garage, magnolia trees standing 3 strong and high, tiger day lilies whose blooms lasted one day, and the last color explosion was the crape myrtle trees near garage, pink frilly blossoms. Did I forget any flower?

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