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Starting Small

Small steps are magical.

I took a small step in March: I signed up for a 50-mile bike ride.

I didn’t think I could ride the 50 miles when I signed up, but I believed I’d be able to by September when my classmates and I celebrated our 40th reunion from the United States Naval Academy, which culminated in the 81(km or mile) Ride.

I had taken a small step two years ago by engaging a young friend of mine to coach me in physical fitness. She informed me that biking was good for my knees and reminded me that I lived close to an excellent bike trail. I knew these details, but hearing them in someone else’s voice took me to my next step.

In April, I bought a bike from Craig’s List. I reached out to a former student who I knew was an avid rider. He sent me links to used bikes in Baltimore, which helped me make my purchase. I moved to my next step.

I took small steps in May and June. I started using an app to track my rides and connect with other riders. I was riding between 6 and 20 miles once or twice a week.

I took a small step in July. I said yes to a friend’s invitation to be a ride buddy on the nearby trail. Riding with a friend, I increased my distance and fitness by 450%! I was now riding 18 – 30 miles three times a week. Looking back on it, I can see that that small step made a huge difference in my riding effort and enjoyment: going together with one other person.

I took two big falls in August. When I started riding a bike, I knew falling was a possibility. I just didn’t realize how serious falling could be. A few wondered why I would ever get back on a bike. At that point, however, I had taken enough small steps to know that I was too close to my finish line to give up. I took the necessary step, which didn’t seem small at all, and I got back on that bike. I was shaky, especially when I rode in similar conditions to the ones when I fell, but I persisted.

I took the next, satisfying step on September 2nd and rode 81K (50.3 miles), and I did it in less time than I’d set as my goal. My goal had been four hours, and I did it with ten minutes to spare! 

I can’t reach the goal before I start. Small steps are so incredibly powerful. Achieving something worthy of celebration starts with the smallest possible steps. 

Start. Persist with small steps. You will find yourself celebrating something big. 

Where do you need to start small? 

Yours truly fifth from the right


  1. Deborah Deborah

    I sure hope you celebrate big and for a good long while!!


      Thanks much!

  2. Tony Perotti Tony Perotti

    Congrats Mary! Nice article, small steps truly are powerful when you add them all up. And then you have a giant step!

  3. Yvonne Yvonne

    I love this story! Hearing about how each small step set you up for the next is a powerful principle for anything you want to do. And having the courage and vision to take the first one sets it all in motion. Going together keeps the forward momentum to the end!


      Grateful for those who have gone with me on so many small steps!

  4. Cindy Clarkin Cindy Clarkin

    Congratulations Mary. You are an inspiration. Your testimony of small steps is encouraging.

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