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Tag: book recommendation

Mary’s Meanderings

Revisionist History Podcast Collagen Powder The Person Called You book Suncatcher -Happy Things Mary’s Spiritual Direction Page

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Why Silence?

As we sat at the breakfast table on the last day of our eight-day silent retreat, the silence was now broken, and we had the opportunity to connect with each other before leaving. One of my fellow retreatants asked those of us sitting at the table, What’s the theory behind silence? She was self-admittingly brand new to this idea, and it was such a heartfelt and honest question. One person explained that silence allowed one to hear…

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The gift of a letter

I am trying to remember how I developed an interest in letter writing other than the halting start of the obligatory thank you note for Christmas gifts to far away relatives. Even then, I remember joyfully caring about either making the card or selecting one that fit the occasion and the recipient. I have lovely memories of receiving letters. My mom wrote me during Plebe Summer at the Naval Academy. Even though I was just…

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Mary’s Meandering – September

Happy September! Do you feel the changes in the air? In my neck of the woods, cooler temperatures and a change to long sleeves and sweaters. I don’t always enjoy change, but I know it means growth. Tools help us grow. If you aren’t familiar with the Clifton Strengthfinder, I have used this online talent assessment tool with teams. I have found it helpful to recognize and maximize my strengths. My top strength is input.…

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Back to School

I am back in school this year. After twenty-seven years of planning and preparing for students, I am buying books from my required reading lists and posting replies to discussion boards.  I have always loved learning but have preferred my own curation of books and courses. What that does not provide, however, is a community within which to learn. I am pursuing a certificate in spiritual direction, and community will be crucial to my learning. …