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Tag: communication

Looking to Develop a Skill You Can Still Possess at 103?

If you could have any skill in the world, what would you pick and why? That question became the topic of conversation at Chick fil A as our family played the table topics game from a kids meal when this card was pulled: The question stopped me in my tracks because ironically, we had just attended an event where Mr. Jim Downing, 103-year old survivor of Pearl Harbor, shared his experiences communicating life’s ideas. I…

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What Counts?

I serve a global community where we help students get ready to speak. One way that takes shape is when students speak on public platforms we track. I’m often asked, “Does that count?”. When I reflect on my response to a specific line of thinking in my community that asks the question, I want to answer in a way that can be applied to a broader audience. We all ask in many places in our…

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Look Ma… No Hands

I didn’t think I sounded bossy. In fact, I was pretty tootin sure I was being reasonable and just pointing out something overlooked. Last night at the dinner table as my husband was placing the casserole down, I asked a simple question. “Did you see the pot of rice on the stove?” It was his response that rocked me. “I only have so many hands.” I immediately (a very dangerous speed for me) asked, “Did…

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A Tale of Two

A Tale of Two– Have you heard this one on parenting? When you have one child it is tag team, when you have two children it is man to man defense and when you get to three children it is zone defense!! It is easy as a parent to look at two children and see them just as opposites. When I had our third child and it was a boy, I slowly realized that it…

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