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Tag: garden

What My Dad Made Me Do

Every Saturday, we were out in the yard. My father would make his work list on a yellow legal pad, listing the chores and the work party leaders—the elder siblings included myself and my next-in-line brother Tom. Yard work entailed sweeping porches, picking up trash along our road, mowing lawns, pulling the grass out of the sidewalk cracks, and edging. But the one job that we all dreaded was weeding our rose beds, and weeding…


Spring Again

I did it again—I planted seeds. And as much as it seems like an invitation to failure, I put those seeds in the ground.  Starting is easy, but seeing it through is the real challenge. Why do I keep planting when I know I will need to focus on this effort for the next few months? The blossoms’ beauty outweighs the daily gardening maintenance, so I persist. When the light lengthens and the day warms,…

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When Nothing Grows

I enjoy a garden view from my corner chair in my bedroom. I love to sit inside and view the garden unfold daily during the spring and summer. There are a few favorite flowers that I start by seed because they aren’t found at a nursery or they are costly in plant form. My favorite seeds to start are sunflowers and purple and green zinnias. These seeds are nearly impervious to the vagaries of planting.…

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The Unloved Garden

There are several ways that a potted plant may find its way in my home for temporary viewing pleasure. But left in my hands the destination is always the same … the garbage. I have the habit of often buying a plant and enjoying it at peak flower with the best intentions of later planting it into our backyard garden. My pace and my own distractibility leaves the finish line for this type of project…

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