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Tag: leadership

Back to School

I am back in school this year. After twenty-seven years of planning and preparing for students, I am buying books from my required reading lists and posting replies to discussion boards.  I have always loved learning but have preferred my own curation of books and courses. What that does not provide, however, is a community within which to learn. I am pursuing a certificate in spiritual direction, and community will be crucial to my learning. …


What Does Crazy Look Like?

You are crazy, or so I have been told.  People speak outright to me I’m crazy, or I hear them express my actions in reference to themselves. I could never do that, or I don’t know how you do that. My crazy has looked like this: having a large family traveling exorbitant distances to visit a group of people for a short time riding a long-distance Context matters, and the most significant factor in our…


Don’t Miss It

I have worn glasses since the third grade. When I was finally prescribed glasses, I met the standards for being legally blind. So I appreciate seeing clearly. Seeing for most of us is just what we do without thinking. Easy and effortless, no?  Every night my husband Gary and I have a nighttime routine. This routine is so familiar to us that we automatically go through the motions. We get on our pajamas, we brush…

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Well Begun is half done Aristotle Some things in life get started for us! Like the NEW YEAR. So Happy NEW YEAR! A year full of possibility. How did the New Year begin for you? Did it begin with anticipation or anxiety? For some of us, The New Year is like a fresh book at the beginning of a school year! But for many already a mere 6 days into this fresh book the spine…


Once upon a time

We all love stories and as soon as we hear, “Once upon a time…” we’re hooked. So with the start of a new school year, let’s revisit a familiar tale. Once upon a time in a land far away, a father was devastated to learn that soon after the birth of his one and only precious child a curse was placed upon her life. Now, this curse predicted his only child and daughter would perish…