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Tag: leadership

Oxygen, please

In 1989, I flew from Florida to Rhode Island to attend a friend’s wedding. Not an unusual distance in this day and age nor an unfamiliar reason to travel this distance.  I didn’t go alone. I traveled with my then 4-month-old and his 17-month-old sister. And It was just me…with them… Now, I don’t know about you but do you ever look back and think to yourself how in the world did I ever do…

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Changing Perceptions

My father and I shared many things together. He raised a big family of 12. I am raising a big family of 9. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1942. I graduated from the Naval Academy in 1981. He was my biggest cheerleader during my naval service when his legacy in the Navy often impacted me, even though we were miles apart. There were several opportunities during this time when senior naval officers knew…

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Push Through the Ugly

Push through the ugly… Wow how could four little words resonate so instantly with me? This I know from 56 years of living, 28 years of marriage, 11 siblings, 9 kids, 2 cancers and beyond – any worthy fruit worth having is going to take lots of toil. The more valuable the fruit the more effort and expense of energy and emotion. NEWS FLASH: We KNOW this already.  So why do we faint when it…

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Becoming a Cultural Communicator

What does it mean to become a cultural communicator?? My husband and I recently returned from a 25th anniversary trip to New York City. Everywhere we walked we heard an amazing variety of foreign languages. In every location we saw an incredible range of people. We were surrounded on all sides by diversity that was mind boggling. What made the trip most enjoyable was not the sights although they were spectacular but the people we…

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