I invite you to take the time to enter into an experience – a personal Olympic story. Watch and imagine that it’s your sister in lane three. People lean overhearing your discussion and join you in cheering when they realize your sister is stepping up to the blocks. Imagine the feeling of being family in the stands. Feel the anticipation and hope build as you put yourself in the colossal crowd buzzing with excitement all gathered…
Leave a CommentTag: monday meanderings
I have given up on Christmas cards. Oh, I have the best intentions, but it seems some time warp exists in the first days of November, and the next thing I know, it is late January. I am not beating myself up because I accomplish navigating five birthdays and a big holiday for my immediate family of 17 in that time warp. That’s why I love Valentine’s. I feel like I can pay attention to…
Leave a CommentHere is my uncomfortable truth. I prefer wandering over following. There is nothing wrong with wandering except when I believe my indiscriminate movement conveys meaning and my restless activity purpose. I know this is not true. Even with “important” goals, a tightly packed calendar can still be filled with the most meaningless activities. What makes my wandering so distressing is that I realize this as an unconscious delay to the uncomfortable pause that thinking and…
1 Comment3 BIG questions Fuller Youth Institute Anam Cara by John O’ Donohue Holy Post Fiddler on the Roof
1 CommentTuesday, September 22 marks the first day of fall in the northern hemisphere. The signs are evident where I live if I take the time to notice and take it in. Temperatures dropping, light fading, leaves turning. My Meanderings today are focused on finding the joy in this change and this season, no matter where this finds you. I have been on a small joy quest and pray if you move slowly through some of…