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Tag: pain

Moving Past the Pain

I had only been out of the room for a few minutes taking care of something in another part of the house. When I walked back into our wood-paneled family room, there was a track meet going on. The event was hurdling, and the 3-month-old baby on his blanket was the hurdle! I watched dumbstruck as my 5, 4, and 3-year old each took off in a sprint from one corner, leaped over the baby,…

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Redeemed pain?

“Redeemed pain is more impressive than removed pain.” Philip Yancy Redeemed pain. While this resonates with what I know to be good and true it’s still such a hard pill to swallow. I can look back in the rearview mirror of my life and believe that God redeemed the pain in the loss of a child, in living through cancers, in the loss of relationships and death of loved ones. But it is in each new…

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