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Tag: relationships

In Case of Emergency

I thought I was smart and safety conscious years ago when Gary came home and explained that we should put our numbers in each other’s cell phones as ICE – an acronym for In Case of Emergency. He explained that if I am on the side of the road, unavailable for comment, someone could open my phone, look for my ICE number and know who to call. I am sure we thought this all out…

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The stories we tell ourselves

Recently, my youngest experienced a locked knee. Of course, the knee locked on Friday afternoon at the start of a long weekend. Over the three day weekend, we reached out to every resource we had to help resolve the locked knee. We eventually took her to the Emergency Room, with the frustration of knowing the ER wouldn’t be able to resolve anything but feel we’d be negligent if we didn’t go. Out of the hours…


Call home!

It was 1982. I was in the Navy and living in the Philippines. I still remember the call. With a twelve-hour time difference between Manila and Washington DC, it was a surprise to hear my father’s voice on the other end of the phone line. Yes, phones used to have cords that connected them to the wall. Dad knowing my love for current events and politics started the conversation. “Mary, good politicians know to keep…