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Tag: speech training

Becoming a Cultural Communicator

What does it mean to become a cultural communicator?? My husband and I recently returned from a 25th anniversary trip to New York City. Everywhere we walked we heard an amazing variety of foreign languages. In every location we saw an incredible range of people. We were surrounded on all sides by diversity that was mind boggling. What made the trip most enjoyable was not the sights although they were spectacular but the people we…

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Make It Safe

Recently I finished reading Crucial Conversations . The book is subtitled Tools for talking when stakes are high. One of the best takeaways for me from this book was this idea. “When it is safe, you can say anything.” Open and honest communication takes trust and a great measure of value and respect for the other person.  Learning to be aware of how people are responding to your communication is a key way to know if you…

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