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Tag: Student Leaders

Don’t be afraid

Even with the hope of moving from stay-at-home to safe-at-home every one of us has been rocked by unimaginable and rapid changes in our normal routines during this COVID crisis. Long before the pandemic was on our horizon my youngest wrote a presentation on peace. Her presentation is written in a thematic religious reading format. In this format, the speaker practices weaving together scripture with her choice of literature to write a speech on a…

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Once upon a time

We all love stories and as soon as we hear, “Once upon a time…” we’re hooked. So with the start of a new school year, let’s revisit a familiar tale. Once upon a time in a land far away, a father was devastated to learn that soon after the birth of his one and only precious child a curse was placed upon her life. Now, this curse predicted his only child and daughter would perish…


Model UN

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy, speech prepared for delivery in Dallas the day of his assassination, November 22, 1963 What do terrorism and ICC Students have in common? Okay before parents start answering that let me say Model UN!! On 11/11/11 over 40 students from seven chapters in Maryland gathered to participate in a version of Model UN that was packed with twists, turns and fun! With country placards waving,…

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