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Take a moment

In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

During this time of year, it’s hard not to compare lives or FB posts to who has it going on better than I do. It would be easy for any of us to go to that soul-crushing place of comparison rather than rest in reflection.

I use my photos on my phone to review the year.

On it, I was reminded of so much to give thanks in this past year.

  • Student teams creating experiences at our events
  • Celebrating a friend publishing a book and another’s distinguished career
  • Attending classes and training on being a better communicator
  • Weekly times with student leaders who care to prepare
  • Time sitting with my mother
  • Still hearing piano music in my home
  • Starting a workout habit that is still going
  • Welcoming a new grandbaby and new daughter in law
  • Seeing my daughters’ amazing art and tasting their cooking and baking
  • Sleeping on the front porch, swimming in a pool
  • and much more…

Taken in a snapshot it is always easier for us to extend someone else’s good times and to minimize ours. And in reverse, we can enlarge our difficulties and forget all the daily gifts.

Whenever I show a picture of my family, I feel the need to caveat it with this is only one moment in time. We curated this image. We intentionally dressed up for the occasion. We had a professional take the picture. In other words, it is just what we call it… a snap…shot. And in a snap, the frozen frame moves to the dynamic blessed mess. But I give thanks for that too because it is a gift on par with the special occasion.

Elias and Cara wedding – June 2019

Do you have a habit of gratitude for your daily and special gifts? Start one. May it bring rest from the temptation to compare and feel lacking!


  1. Lorri Wickenhauser Lorri Wickenhauser

    Amen, Mary! Working in auto insurance claims gives me daily reminders to be thankful for the things we have. I talk to so many people who have lost their health or even a loved one in the blink of an eye.

  2. Thanks for the reminder, Mary. Wishing you and your beautiful family a blessed New Year!


      Happy New Year. Excited to see you soon!

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