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The Tale of the Cherry Tree by Catherine Gunther

Once upon a time there was a Cherry tree. It was small and weak. You would say that’s horred. For the cherry tree it was HORRID.

Children shook the tree back and forth. Millions and millions of petals and leaves fell to the ground. It was like a wedding! Every year the tree grew ferocious at the children.

Every shake when the leaves came floating down the tree became hot as fire. One day the tree saw tiny sprouts appear. Every year the sprouts grew bigger and BIGGER. Finally they turned into cherry trees. Now the cherry tree was happy for it had friends to talk to. All the sudden something shot through the tree. How had he been so dumb! When the children shook the tree seeds fell down to! Now he understood. All the sudden he grew ten times BIGGER than the others. But it wasn’t him it was his heart. The End.

The morel to this story is do not hate when others love trying in every way to help even though you don’t know it.

Catherine is an 8 year old, funny, sharp-witted princess that as the youngest of 9 demonstrates how to serve cheerfully. This story has been unaided, unedited and transcribed as created by Catherine, my guest blogger.
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