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The Unloved Garden

There are several ways that a potted plant may find its way in my home for temporary viewing pleasure. But left in my hands the destination is always the same … the garbage.

I have the habit of often buying a plant and enjoying it at peak flower with the best intentions of later planting it into our backyard garden. My pace and my own distractibility leaves the finish line for this type of project never in sight.

My husband however can’t stand to see something purchased go down the drain…but I think it is more than just his drive to steward his resources… It is the honing of his husbandry. With my rejects, he has created his unloved garden.Recently with the weather warming the girls came bursting inside to pull me outside to view the unloved garden. These lovely flowers remind me when I am head-faked into thinking about myself the way I think of my potted plants…that this gardener and creator of the unloved garden loves me better and thinks of me more than the reclaimed rejects.

He takes what I don’t have time for and gives it time; he takes what I have neglected and gives it attention; and he gives continued life to what I would say is dead.

Gary points me to the original Creator and Gardener of the “unloved” garden.

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