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What Counts?

I serve a global community where we help students get ready to speak. One way that takes shape is when students speak on public platforms we track. I’m often asked, “Does that count?”.

When I reflect on my response to a specific line of thinking in my community that asks the question, I want to answer in a way that can be applied to a broader audience. We all ask in many places in our lives: What counts?

The question at the root of it asks, does this matter?This concept of counting or not counting is always bothersome because it is a focus that validates effort based on an external force rather than an internal drive.

What counts?

I hate the thought of a student or a coach thinking that any form of communication is only worth doing if it “counts.” It all counts! Every effort, every attempt, and every small step is taken. Maybe we need to rethink language.
To be ready to speak, we must believe that every effort of communication matters. It all counts. 
Nothing to me is sadder than either in preparation for or after the fact; a student realizes that some specific requirements of the intended speech’s objectives were not met and can not be checked off as done.

But there is more at stake than being done.

What did I learn?
What did I change?
How did I apply my learning to make my communication better?
Did I take the opportunity to talk to a mentor and include others more in the process?
Did I ask questions?
Did I get more feedback?

Can we, in our rush to get a checkmark of completion, consider that completion is not the goal? Making progress is the goal, and speaking to real audiences is how we make progress, whether or not it accomplishes an assignment? Any prepared, authentic message delivered in an outstanding manner helps each of us be ready to speak.

If something was learned and change happened, that’s all that counts for me.

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