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What My Dad Made Me Do

Every Saturday, we were out in the yard. My father would make his work list on a yellow legal pad, listing the chores and the work party leaders—the elder siblings included myself and my next-in-line brother Tom.

Yard work entailed sweeping porches, picking up trash along our road, mowing lawns, pulling the grass out of the sidewalk cracks, and edging.

But the one job that we all dreaded was weeding our rose beds, and weeding produced groans and complaints because it was a never-ending job and thorns. That and that my father could quickly point out those weeds missed or conveniently buried rather than pulled.

So where do I find myself these days (sometimes instead of writing)? Yes, I am doing yard work and often weeding the same flower beds.

What my dad made me do has morphed over sixty years into what I want to do and what I enjoy doing: yard work.

I will be in my garden this June and July, taking a break from writing and enjoying the flowers. So please enjoy them with me.

Is there anything in your life that has morphed from made-to-do to get-to-do?


  1. Yvonne Yvonne

    I always enjoy seeing the fruits of your labor of love. thank you for taking the time to capture and share then.

  2. Sharon R Sharon R

    Beautiful. I too am enjoying my flowers. Is that heliospsis ( I think that was the one I gave you) still doing well?

  3. Jean Jean

    I have 5 rosebushes going in yard. And I often think of dad when watering them.

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